❤️ The one about asking for help

9th of September ‘24

The bravest thing you can do is ask for support

Hey there!

How have you been, boo? I’m enjoying this temporary return of the summer temps and soaking in all the sun I can ☀️

Over the weekend I went through all the newsletters I’ve previously sent because it has been so long that I fear I’m starting to repeat myself. So I’m a bit shocked this topic hasn’t come up before: asking for things.

Everyone and their nan has heard it already, in Finland networking is king. You need to know people and for them to know YOU. Ok, that’s step one. Step two is actually reaching out and letting them know you need them in your corner.

How do you feel about this part? I don’t love asking for things, and I’m forever amazed that some people can just do it willy-nilly. “The worst thing that can happen is that they say no!” Okay, can we just admit that if you ask someone for a favor and they say no, that would kinda suck? Putting yourself out there is NEVER easy, it’s a vulnerable position and it requires some form of bravery. People have told me that men have more bravado, they ask for things (even big things they have no business asking for) all the time. What’s stopping us?

So let this be your sign to ask for help. Do you need an intro to someone? Do you want to add someone as your reference? Do you want to start a project and need some insider opinion? Do it! They have already been asked by 20 dudes! And they didn’t say no 🤭

Mara, only asking for what I would be happy to provide😇

Find me on Instagram as @amarenabandivan

💡Always keep in mind…

You have more supporters than enemies

You know that lady on LinkedIn you always leave a like to? Or that engineer at your last job that always happy to chat while on a break? They most likely want to see you succeed.

Asking for help is hard and uncomfortable, but you have to keep in mind that you have tons of people in your corner! If one of the people you kinda know would reach out to you for a favor would you be mad?

🍃Have you…

📚Read: I Who Have Never Known Men by Jacqueline Harpman

Back again with a novel recommendation. This is NOT a happy book, it’s pure science fiction and it doesn’t ever promise it will be something different. 39 women and a girl are prisoners in an underground bunker where all-male,never-speaking guards hold them. The girl is the only one of the prisoners who has no memory of the outside world; none of them know why they’re being held there, or why there is one child. One day, an alarm sounds, and the guards flee, leaving them able to escape. They find themselves on an immense barren plain, with no other people anywhere, and no clue as to what has happened to the world. It’s a book about womanhood and survival. 5/5

✹ Events

After Work BearingPoint

Date: 12th of SEP 16:30 - In Person

How to manage change and yourself in the age of AI? With Speakers, Jussi Ahola & Hannasofia Hardwick from BearingPoint
Bulevardi 6a, FI-00120 Helsinki, Suomi

Stand Out Smartly

Date: 16th of SEP 11:00 - 11:45 ONLINE

Our very first “Each One, Teach One” where we get together to bring awareness on a specific topic one of us knows very well and teaches the community about. Here we are all learning together.
Sign up here

Embrace Change Structured Networking

Date: 26th of SEP 12:30 ONLINE

“During this structured networking session, we'll have opportunities for you to connect with each other in a stress-free way–and share a few key career strategies and tactics with you as well!”
Sign up here

✧That moment when ✧

☁️Friendly reminder

Growth happens when we open ourselves to the wisdom and support of others. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness; it's a step towards greater growth!

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