The one about daydreaming a bit too much

23rd of September ‘24

Delulu as usual

Hey there!

Sometimes, I plan ahead for this newsletter. I think about topics I will write about and what to add in each section. Last week, I thought this would be the one where I announced that I finally got a job. Well, that didn’t happen 😂

I did the worst thing you can do when you’re in the middle of the interview process: daydream. I thought about all the things I could do, the people I could meet and the stories I could tell. I imagined my coworkers, my boss, and all the things I crave so desperately. But it didn’t end up happening.

When you envision your future so clearly, the disappointment stings twice as hard. I really thought I would be the perfect candidate, got all the way to the last stage, and then someone else was more perfect than me 🙃

Now, I’m still salty about the situation but I want to leave you with something that I should make a rule for myself. Keep yourself grounded, don’t set yourself up for heartache ✨You ARE perfect for that job, but there’s others out there that are just as good! You’ll find the one that sees the potential in you soon 🫶

Mara, still mad 😡 

Find me on Instagram as @amarenabandivan

💡Always keep in mind…

Your library is your friend

There are times in your life where you need some off tool, just to use it once. Did you know most of those things are up for borrowing at the library?

If you need a drill to put together your new sofa, or a power washer for your carpet, check your local library!

🍃Have you…

🎶 Listen: 99% Invisible

Long time no podcast recs 😌I’m back with one that has so many episodes you’ll for sure find something that interests you. 99% Invisible is a sound-rich, narrative podcast hosted by Roman Mars about all the thought that goes into the things we don’t think about — the unnoticed architecture and design that shape our world. I recommend browsing through the hundreds of episodes and pick the one that catches your eye!

✹ Events

Rekrytori for Internationals

25.9.2024 from 12PM to 5PM - Kaapelitehdas


Networking Easy Peasy

24.9.2024 from 11AM to 12PM - ONLINE

Join us online to talk about networking with intention and learn tools from each other that have worked for meaningful interaction and results.

If you haven’t signed up yet click here

✧That moment when ✧

Our Progress Update

Sometimes things do not turn out the way we plan!

Remember when we first started this journey? We dreamed of creating a world where every woman could access amazing career opportunities. That dream hasn't changed, but our path to get there is taking an exciting new turn.

We've been listening to your stories, your struggles, and your triumphs. We've laughed together, problem-solved together, and grown together. And now, we're evolving together. 🙋😿 💕 

Drum roll, please... 🥁

We're pivoting to become your personal brand cheerleader! Imagine having a sidekick that helps you shine online, starting with LinkedIn. It's like having a best friend who's also a career coach and a tech whiz, all rolled into one. Cool, right?

Now, I know what you might be thinking. "What about the matchmaking?" Don't worry, we haven't forgotten about our vision! We'll still be connecting you with opportunities as they come in partnerships, direct requests o

But here's where it gets really exciting: we're moving to a new digital home! Say goodbye to Slack and hello to Mighty Network. It's like we're all moving into a bigger, cooler house together. There's more room for resources, for connection, for growth. And the best part? You'll be right there with us, helping to decorate and make it feel like home. (Go to slack to get the Mighty Network Link or wait to be invited)

Remember, how we always say it's okay to ask for help – sometimes, it’s also ok to acknowledge when to stop and change the plan.

Now, I won't sugarcoat it - change can be a little scary. But you know what? It's also exhilarating. It's a chance to grow, to learn, to become even better versions of ourselves. And isn't that what Hei Dingo has always been about? Keep an eye on your inbox for an invitation to test our brand new personal brand assistant. Your feedback will be gold - it'll help shape this tool into something truly amazing.

And don't forget to join us on Mighty Network. We've got two weeks to make the move, so let's do it together!

Our "Each One Teach One" sessions aren't going anywhere, by the way. In fact, they're going to be better than ever. Your voices, your experiences, your knowledge - that's what makes these sessions magical. So keep participating, keep voting on topics, keep showing up for each other.

Ready to level up your personal brand? Let's show the world what we're made of.

With excitement, gratitude, and a touch of butterflies,
The Hei Dingo Team

P.S. While we may not be a non-profit, we profit from building tools that will help you succeed in your career. Together, we're creating the change we want to see in the world. And oh, what a beautiful change it is!

☁️Friendly reminder

There’s a thin line between being delusional and being confident. Believe in yourself enough to continue dreaming, but not too much that it’s hurting you!

Like this reading? :)

Don’t forget to share this newsletter with another incredible job-seeking friend around you. It would mean the world to us :)

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